Saturday, December 20, 2008

Delora's Big 40!

A big thanks goes out to my sweet husband who planned a surprised 40th birthday party for me. Boy was I ever surprised. Thanks to my sister Tanya and Jean-Marie for helping Layne pull it off. I also thank all of my dear friends who took the time on a Saturday afternoon during this busy holiday season to make time to come to a party for me. I really appreciate the time and effort. Thanks Layne. I owe you!
Here are some pictures Layne took of the surprise party.

Here is my family as I open my presents on my birthday. Thanks everyone for the gifts! I had a great day. I got to go to a nice dinner and see a movie. It was a fun day. Many of my friends and everyone in my family called me to wish me a Happy Birthday. Thanks for all the calls. That really made my day!

Rachael's Hairdo!

This is Rachael with her hair updo. Her babysitter Whitney was doing her hair. Rachael loves having her hair done and doing other peoples hair. Her hair looks so good. Way to go Whitney with Rachael's hairdo.