Saturday, December 20, 2008

Delora's Big 40!

A big thanks goes out to my sweet husband who planned a surprised 40th birthday party for me. Boy was I ever surprised. Thanks to my sister Tanya and Jean-Marie for helping Layne pull it off. I also thank all of my dear friends who took the time on a Saturday afternoon during this busy holiday season to make time to come to a party for me. I really appreciate the time and effort. Thanks Layne. I owe you!
Here are some pictures Layne took of the surprise party.

Here is my family as I open my presents on my birthday. Thanks everyone for the gifts! I had a great day. I got to go to a nice dinner and see a movie. It was a fun day. Many of my friends and everyone in my family called me to wish me a Happy Birthday. Thanks for all the calls. That really made my day!


Adrianna said...

I like your background. I am glad your had a good birthday party. I am sorry I could not be there.

Kim W said...

Could I possibly be the worse friend you have?! Happy B-day, D! I'm so glad your real friends and family took good care of you! I can't really believe you're 40. Wowee!!! You look great and deserve a great surprise! Great job, Layne!

Jamie said...

Delora, I can't believe that Layne did this! What a sweet man. It looks like you had a great 40th! Remember that "40 is the new 30."